Tips for Cold Weather Battery Maintenance: How Cold Weather Affects Golf Cart Batteries

Nov. 7 2023 Tips By VIP Golf Cart Service

As winter approaches, many golf cart owners are faced with the seasonal challenge of ensuring their vehicles are ready for the colder months. Golf carts, whether for leisurely rounds or practical use, often experience decreased activity during the winter. This means their batteries are at risk of suffering the consequences of the cold weather. In this blog, we'll explore how cold temperatures can affect golf cart batteries and provide essential tips on maintaining them during the winter months.

Understanding Battery Self-Discharge in Winter

It's essential to understand that all deep-cycle lead acid batteries, commonly used in golf carts, will self-discharge when not in use for an extended period. Many golf cart owners mistakenly believe that having their chargers plugged in will keep the batteries fully charged throughout the winter. However, this is not the case. Most chargers are designed to turn off automatically when the batteries reach a full charge, but they do not automatically reactivate when the batteries start to self-discharge.

To prevent battery damage or performance loss, it's crucial to recharge your golf cart's batteries at least once every 30 days during the winter. This simple step can be accomplished by unplugging the charger cord from the cart and plugging it back in, which triggers the charger to go through a charging cycle. This maintenance practice ensures that your batteries remain in good condition and are ready for action when the weather warms up.

Service and Discharge Testing

For golf cart owners who store their vehicles for more than a couple of months during the winter, it's advisable to consider having a service and a discharge test done. This service helps assess the overall health and performance of your golf cart's batteries. To schedule a service appointment and discharge test, don't hesitate to reach out to our team. It's a proactive way to ensure your batteries are in top shape when you're ready to hit the course again.

The Impact of Temperature on Battery Performance

Temperature is a significant factor that affects the charge and discharge rates of golf cart batteries. Colder temperatures can significantly impact your battery's efficiency. While cold batteries may charge and self-discharge more slowly than warm batteries, they also exhibit lower capacity. The cold temperature increases the internal resistance within the battery's chemistry, resulting in a reduction in battery capacity.

As a general rule of thumb, for every 15-20 degrees Fahrenheit below 80 °F, a battery loses approximately 10% of its capacity. This loss in capacity can lead to shorter run times and less power, making your golf cart feel less responsive and efficient.

Battery Lifespan and When to Check Your Batteries

If your golf cart batteries are four or more years old, it's a good idea to have them checked by professionals. The average lifespan of lead-acid batteries commonly found in golf carts is about four to five years. Keeping aged batteries beyond their optimal lifespan can result in issues such as sudden cart stops, which can be both embarrassing and inconvenient, especially when you're in the middle of a round.

Furthermore, allowing your batteries to wear down to this extent can potentially damage the cart's controller and motor. To prevent these hassles and potentially costly repairs, it's advisable to have your batteries inspected regularly and replaced when necessary.

Take Action: Schedule Your Battery Inspection Today

Don't wait until your golf cart performance suffers due to cold weather or aging batteries. Act now by scheduling a battery inspection and maintenance service with our team. We're here to ensure your golf cart remains in peak condition, providing you with worry-free rounds and enjoyable rides in any season.

Contact us today to schedule your battery inspection and keep your golf cart running smoothly throughout the winter and beyond!