Summer sun being used to solar-power golf carts at Georgia College

Two physics students at Georgia College are working to create solar-powered golf carts. There are currently six carts in the fleet that are part of their effort to make the model for energy efficient and friendlier to the environment.

According to senior physics major Nowsherwan Sultan, “Our research here is to make solar cells more efficient, so they can collect more energy. We still have to plug them in because, right now, they’re not that efficient.”

Nosherwan and his another senior Nick Palmer are attempting to use multiple layers of cells in the solar panel, each layer is only a few nanometers thick. It is precision work.

The students are hoping to improve on what they have already done by making the layered solar panel movable. By making the panel able to tilt, more sunlight may be captured which would increase running times and reduce the need to charge the battery.

The work these physics students are doing may one day make it into the next generation of golf carts that are more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Stay tuned…

Original article Submitted by Cindy O’Donnell